DVM Chiller

We’re New York’s Best HVAC Company Ready To Help!

This simple to grow, measured unit consolidates the advantages of VRF and chiller systems. 10 and 15 ton modules accessible in Heat Pump as it were. Interface up to 16 units for framework limits as much as 240 tons.


The DVM Chiller gives a chilled water answer for substitution and new plan arrangements, while keeping up with the DVM S benefits. It interfaces numerous outsider fan curl units through water channeling to give cooling and warming to singular zones. Like VRF outside units, the DVM Chiller can adjust its ability relying upon the prerequisites of the different zones, which saves energy and further develops inhabitant solace.


Incredible for retrofit projects, the DVM Chiller furnishes prevalent reasonability when joined with our discretionary Fan Coil Unit (FCU) Control Kit and Fan Coil Interface Module to control and incorporate outsider fan loop units to Samsung focal and neighborhood controls.


DVM Chiller frameworks highlight streak infusion innovation that expands warming execution with a two-stage refrigerant that is enacted during warming mode in low surrounding conditions.


Simple to consolidate and fit numerous units in any event, when space is restricted. The DVM Chiller's conservative size lessens the time, cost, and exertion to move, move, and introduce a framework.

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